oratoryfluff's Diaryland Diary


2004 Election

There some things that dissappointment me about yesterday's election, but many that excited me.

Have I lost my mind? Nono..hear me out...

My father spent alot of time working for the democratic party locally.

In Clarke county, Kerry won by 58%. Maybe that doesn't matter nationally...but if still pleases me.

On the same sex marriage ban it was approved by an overwhelming majority: about 3 to 1. In Clarke county it was a very narrow margin.. as in 52% to 48%. This also excites me. Why? Well, local efforts are WORKING.

The civil rights battle was faught for years..I expect this will be as well.

I am proud of the people I know who fight for what they believe in. I am proud of my community, and I am happy to live here. I didn't expect for my "progressive" views to be the majority's veiw..but change is possible. I am going to keep fighting for my beliefs. I know alot of my friends are downhearted today. Try your best to shake it off, and get back up to continue the battle. We owe it to ourselves, and our children.

1:00 p.m. - 2004-11-03


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