oratoryfluff's Diaryland Diary


Nursing school, my sister, and \"me\" time!

Well I have survived my first 2 days of nursing school. It is going to be challenging, but I keep telling myself I am up for it. Sometimes I believe myself, and sometimes I don't. :)

The amount of stuff you have to buy is absurd.. I just dropped $300 in the bookstore, and $115 at the med supply place. This weekend I will be trying to set up a desk for myself in our bedroom. I'm not sure where I'll fit one, but I have to create an organized workspace for myself!

I start actually working with patients in about a month...yikes!!! We were talking about moving patients today, and I realized that I am going to have an advantage there. Especially when I glanced about the room and took note of some of my waifish classmates.

Listening to my instructors talk, it confirmed to be more than ever that nursing is the right things for me. But that only makes more anxious about the whole thing. If I didn't care about my performance in nursing school I wouldn't be nervous.

In other news... we saw my sister's new house last night. It is amazing. And it's the first time I can say that I have felt positive about her situation and her children's situation. Her new husband is obviously good for her...very good for her. And that means it's good for the kids too. She's back in grad school and taking antidepressants, and generally everything looks like it's moving forewards and upwards in her life, and that just thrills me no end!

And lastly..how am I? Well I am feeling pretty overwhelmed at the moment, but positive. I have so much to be excited about..but I also have a feeling of desperation in keeping my head above water. I don't really know how I'm going to juggle all this..but I will somehow. And I've realized the last 2 days how important "me" time is going to be for my sanity, and I have to keep that as a priority.

1:43 p.m. - 2004-09-15


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