oratoryfluff's Diaryland Diary



Phooey... My good mood didn't last all week...

But I am definately finding school easier now that I did initially. I am still trying to find the family balance.

There is a reason most folks complete their schooling and THEN have children..

However one thing I must brag on my children for- they have begun putting themselves to bed- without me telling them. They see that it is bedtime, they go to the bathroom, brush their teeth, and climb into their beds. Occasionally without even telling me goodnight.. I will simply discover them tucked into bed sleeping. This both makes me proud and sad.. I *like* tucking my children in. And I feel like I have such precious littl time to enjoy them nowadays. During the day they are in school, in the evening we are running about- martial arts..errands, etc. I miss just being with them.

We have set aside one day a week and deemed it "family day". A nice dinner is cooked..we eat together..we just spend time together..doing nothing in particular. It's very nice. Sometimes, when things are already too busy and insane, doing nothing is really the healthiest and happiest thing.

10:08 p.m. - 2004-10-09


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